Category Archives: Historical

Innocent Until

PRESUMED INNOCENT?: Widely misunderstood concept needing correction, explanation

Question: Ever hear, “In America you’re innocent until proven guilty!” “In America, you enjoy a presumption of innocence” from lawyers seeking to deflect a client’s appearance of guilt from newscasters and television talking heads.

Sure you have. Every time Donald Trump gets indicted.

But if innocent until proven guilty, why was the person arrested in the first place?

If innocent until proven guilty, why are some persons in jail as they await trial?


Answer: Because One is NOT Presumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty! Continue reading

Second Amendment Doesn’t Entitle Ordinary Citizens to Military Weaponry!

Why the Supreme Court is wrong


Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Note! Subject—”right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”—is properly informed, guided in interpretation by its predicate—”A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.”

“State” means the state at the time—one of the thirteen original colonies.


A couple obvious definitions. Always (as some seemingly have not been) mindful of context in which ALL must be interpreted. Namely, fledgling late eighteenth-century America, not yet a nation in mind or actuality, not yet the “United States of America,” but a time when thirteen independent, self-governing colonies, each jealous of its territory and welfare, wary of motives and behavior of competing colonies, was its own sovereign state.

free State,” made mention of in the Second Amendment, refers not to the aborning nation, the United States or States as a collective, but to each individual State-Colony (!!).


Militia” referred to in the Amendment means, therefore, militia of each of the thirteen colonies, then, now, herein deemed “states,” numbering fifty—Alaska to Wyoming.

People” referenced in the Amendment is corollary to aforementioned Militia and State(s). “People” is therefore those who would constitute militia of each state! It is the right of people who would coalesce (come together) to constitute militia of each state to bear arms, thus, “well-regulated” militia of each State that is sought to be protected (!!).

Not right of each individual citizen in general, member of militia or no, to bear arms!


The (overlooked) Common Sense Reason Why

The totality of the Second Amendment and its proper interpretation is further informed by logic (to follow) that seems conveniently to have escaped purview of jurists eager to pursue twentieth and twenty-first century political agendas.  Continue reading

Black Americans, White Replacement (White male angst is wholly misplaced)


Dear White Americans concerned about being replaced by Blacks:

I address you as a fellow American, as a self-appointed Black American representative.

It seems many of you are concerned about being “replaced.” Meaning overtaken, sup-planted… As corporate chiefs and managers, professionals, persons seen repairing roadways?

I guess persons privileged, accustomed to… “I’m Number One” status, I guess.

By actions of a crowd claiming to represent you on January 6, 2021, and actions taken by persons claiming to represent you respecting restricting voting rights, it doesn’t seem you’re concerned about being replaced as stewards (persons concerned with preserving) of American democratic ideals like one person, one vote. ??

Continue reading

Of OBAs and NOBAs (A Wolf Yowl)

A Divide among American Blacks needing recognition

Copyright Yowling Wolf 2019 / All rights reserved

Dedicated to…

The few Africans present at the very dawn of New World exploration, and the few who in that early time willingly set sail to the Americas to seek their fortune…

But, especially, to the millions unwillingly herded onto ships as so much cattle, brought to the New World long ago shackled, stacked as cordwood, countless numbers perishing and cast anonymously into the sea, many by their own volition, so bleak and awful was their plight.

Who, along with their descendants, suffered hundreds of years of untold suffering and hardship and indignity as slaves.

And after that shameful stain on America were freed to be the downtrodden and despised in the land of hope and promise for others.

Yet endured.

And to their millions of descendants who continue to endure. Continue reading




In leaders of nations, as well as families, honesty, fairness, wisdom, forthright brave, correct thinking is to be hoped for as plans are laid, decisions made, action commenced. Insofar as leaders are insecure, fearful, incompetent (the latter a factor in uncertainty and fear), in varying degrees plans, decisions, and actions fall short of ideal.

The topic of this Yowl is grievous outcome when those in positions of highest leadership—president and leadership of the United States—fall short in wisdom, honesty, particularly courage and bravery. 9/11 and its aftermath are the focus. The point made is that incompetence coupled with “wuss” is a formula for disaster in times of crisis.

It may be noted that courage and bravery is never mere reaction, however bold, bad-ass, admirable reaction may be or appear to be. Mere reaction—instinctive fight/flight—is the mode of beasts, not brave, courageous behavior.* Bravery and courage occurs only when there is awareness of danger, threat, one’s fear, and that fear is suppressed.

What transpires when fear cannot be overcome, when one lacks courage, bravery, and competence, when, in sum, one is a bumbling wuss, is explored in this Yowl.

When the leader and leadership group of the modern Free World are bumbling wusses, consequences are dire.

Hang with The Yowling Wolf! Continue reading



“Check your privilege” is a phrase afoot today on some college campuses. It is directed at white males in particular. It is used to remind such men that they likely benefited from favorable experiences, perceptions, assumptions, presumptions growing up, which they are not fully cognizant of, and to which they have not given proper consideration. Moreover, they continue to benefit from same. It is meant to check and cow such (privileged) persons, lest they, in speech or action, suggest that others, less advantaged, are not only inferior, but at fault for this inferiority.

Recent psychological studies support this premise.*

This Yowl suggests that “check your privilege” might also be directed at an alpha class of American women—specifically Caucasian, well educated, professional-type, below the age of fifty, and, typically, not unattractive. Such women tend to exercise (fiercely), they are ambitious, they are all about self advancement and “leaning in.”** They are privileged and self assured. They are destined to be American leaders and influence arbiters.

Not that women should not be ambitious and take advantage of all opportunities. The Yowling Wolf is a feminist who wholeheartedly believes in advancement of women. His two grown, achieving daughters are proof.

However, attitude, belief, outlook count for much. This is particularly so when attitude, belief, and outlook is reflected in American leadership, and is problematic.

The Wolf has discerned a curious attitude/belief/outlook on the part of some, if not many, possibly even most of the women in question. It bespeaks an unrealistic, arrogant, even fantastic sense of entitlement. Ominously, it is redolent of an American brand of female entitlement, arrogance, imperiousness, and surreal behavior, evident in a particularly dark, unsavory chapter of the American past.

It is The Yowling Wolf’s view that unnoted, unexamined, unchecked, given the power and influence such women will wield, this attitude/belief/outlook has possible negative implications for American relations abroad and race relations at home. (History shows that the two are not unrelated.)

Manifestly, imperious arrogance and fantasy in domestic and foreign policy and planning cannot be a positive.

As is said, “from small acorns do large oak trees grow.”

The attitude/belief/outlook detected, examined, brought to light in this Yowl may be termed and characterized as a “Miss Scarlett” aspect. The contention is that a Miss Scarlett aspect is alive and well in an influential group of American women, and this augurs problematic going forward.

Hang with The Wolf! Continue reading